NEWS FLASH: Spreadsheets are so last season...

Unleash your "Million-Dollar Intuition": The Daily Practice That Builds Empires I've been super busy tweaking and testing a lil magic behind the scenes. And if you've seen a shift my content or my emails (hello, sass basket) then you've experienced the power of cultivating a connection with your truest self... Why I did this... Cos I was sick of second-guessing my next business move. Too many Fs were being given to; šŸ„± "Getting it right" for my audience (when you want more of ME) šŸ˜£ Follow what...

The Complete F*ckary of Brexit, Rona and Residency

Hey love, As promised, here's a very familiar story of how stress, burnout and absolute f*ckary nearly trashed my relationship. See if you can spot yourself in this story too. The Complete F*ckary of Brexit, Rona and Residency The Cliff Notes on how I nearly trashed my 19-year relationship. Late last year, I ended my love affair with Spain. Specifically, MĆ”laga. Iā€™d lived there for nearly four years, had an apartment and built my life there. 2019 - Was a surefire 10/10 and I was having a...

šŸ”„New (science-backed) morning routine, who dis?!

Today's Museletter - 2-minute read Hey love, Yesterday, we had a chat about your subconscious and how it was running the show in your relationship. And how a bottom-up approach heals your chronic stress which stops you from running old patterns of behaviour in your relationship. But why am I sharing this? These techniques helped me save my 19-year relationship over and over again. And itā€™s only getting better and better! Bonusā€¦ this methodology works in ALL parts of your life. Men, money, and...

BREAKING NEWS: You canā€™t outthink healing work

Today's Museletter - 2-minute read BREAKING NEWS: You canā€™t out-think healing work And this is why masculine-style coaching wonā€™t work for you. Because healing takes place in the body, not in the mind. The mind is masculine and the body is feminine. Notice how all the success gurus are men?! No wonder, as women, weā€™re all wondering why itā€™s not working for us! Quick StoryBack in 2021, I spent close to Ā£10k on coaching. And it failed me, BIG TIME! I did all the work, filled out the workbook,...

Where success coaching goes hella wrong

Today's Museletter - 3-minute read Hey love, The Museletter today is jam-packed with some epic realisations as to why youā€™re not getting what you want. Itā€™s a bumper issue. You might want to print this out. Do we still do that?! Ok, I spoke to some wonderful women last week for the burnout brainstorm sessions and yup, the same issues kept cropping up. Psst, there are three more spots if you want to book a session with me, gratis Burnout Brainstorm Session, book yours now! I work with...

You're not crazy, the Self-Help Industry is broken.

Today's Museletter - 4-minute read Hey love, Thereā€™s a lot of BS hanging around the self-help and womenā€™s work industry. Iā€™m slightly embarrassed to even say Iā€™m a coach some days. Seriously, the amount of ā€œgoddessingā€ and floaty language is cringy AF. I was listening to a podcast at the weekend about healing work. And WOW, I had a hard time understanding what TF she was talking about. She said a bunch of words from her ā€œtrademarked frameworkā€ with a load of spiritual speak sheā€™d made up. No...

Billionaires, Barbenheimer and Boredom | Museletter

Hey you, Whatā€™s up!? Thought Iā€™d pop my head around the door to check if youā€™re ok. And there you are, lying on your bed reading a copy of Smash Hits like the 1990s. ā€œWant a cuppa?ā€ Iā€™ve been taking a little time to heal my RSI and wow, itā€™s a long journey. But in the midst of all of that... Iā€™m finding time to be bored. True story! When you remove social media from your screen diet and are forced to limit your work time to a few hours a day... boredom sets in. Boredom... or spaciousness to...


Excuse the mess, we've just moved house NEW PROJECT ALERT!! Hello, hello. Is this thing on? Carolynne here :) Formally of The Sovereign Woman Bonjour from our new home on ConvertKit. I'm sending this to elbow my way back into your inbox to prepare you for the grand opening of my new project. And here is it (drum roll, please)... Brand Yourself Different in just 2 mins a day For Experts, Coaches and Leaders who want to punch up their personal brand, this new 2-week email series will help you...